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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Veto Players Picked & Comp Winner

At 9:19am BBT this morning, the live feeds came back on from the HG's drawing veto players. Da'vonne is this weeks target, so let's see if she gets a chance to fight for veto or not.

Playing for Veto:

Host: Nicole

"PP" (Paul/Paulie..their nickname) discussed veto plans. 
Paul told Paulie that if everything goes according to plan, to keep his (Paul's) name "on the low-low" during the aftermath. 

Paul: "Once I make that move, I'm gonna stay outta everything. Just try to keep your boys name on the low-low. Worst case scenario..whoops!"
Paulie quickly tells Paul how there were waterworks last night with Zakiyah with the whole him-not-sleeping-with-her thing. 
Paul: "PP is straight chillin'."
Paulie: "Kickin' it."

Da'vonne joins them a minute later, shutting down their talk.

Okay, so at this point, Da'vonne's game fate is pretty much sealed as she can't even try to win veto to keep herself from going up on the block this week. So come Monday, if Paul/Paulie are still on the same page with getting Day out, then she's toast.

I'll update this post once the Veto Comp has been played and we have a winner! (I have a wedding I have to go attend, so I won't be home to do a full update. I'll be on my phone and edit this post with the Veto Comp later from the wedding.)

Winner of the Veto Comp is:

**Can't wait to find out? No worries!! You can watch the feeds today for free by clicking here to snag up your 1 week free trial and only $6/m after that. Super duper cheap!!! :D

Saturday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Saturday BB addicts!! Yesterday, we learned that Bridgette and Paulie were nominated for eviction. Da'vonne is who Paulie wants to get up & out this week, as Paul wants Bridgette up and out this week, but doesn't care too much which one goes. Paulie is only up there as a pawn to help fight for veto. Bridgette is trying to get a target painted on Day by telling Paul last night that Da'vonne threw the Otev Comp to help Frank, which isn't true at all.

The HG's will pick for veto comp players in a few hours. Bridgette asked Paul if it's okay to pick to Vic or Corey to play in veto if she gets HG choice. Paul told her to pick Natalie or Michelle.

Speaking of Bridgette, she's feeling very alone in the game now that her "ride or die" (Frank) has left the game. It's her VS the house, she feels.

She said she's gonna fight for veto and mentions that her knee hurts.

Paulie thinks the girls are forming an alliance and wants to see how Zakiyah reacts if he stays up on the block. He also still very much wants Day out this week. He said he's heard that she's mentioned his name a few times (re: getting the showmances out, etc) and that Day's game is to drive wedges in between people and have them go after each other. (*pretty sure that's called playing the game. lol)

11:51pm BBT:
Michelle was goofing around Paul and threw an apple at his back.
A mark on Paul's back appeared instantly.
Paulie: "That's a welt!"
Michelle felt horrible and kept asking if he's okay and if it hurts, does he want lotion rubbed on it, etc etc.

Paul: "You're fine, Meech! It doesn't hurt."
BB: "Michelle, please go to the Diary Room." (*Uh oh. lol)
James: "This is the last time we're gonna see her." (*lol)

At 11:59pm BBT, Michelle comes out of the D.R. crying really loud and then the feeds went to fishies. (They must've really scolded her in the D.R.)

Moving on...

Paulie slept with Paul in the HOH room, which of course pissed off Zakiyah. (*These women this season. Geez.) Paulie is over Zakiyah's drama and ready for her to go. Paul tells him to keep acting like they're okay until that happens.

And cue the Paulie/Zakiyah petty high school drama bullsh*t.
Paulie: "I don't do drama. In my life or in here.."

Zakiyah is upset because he never told her that he was sleeping in the HOH room and not sleeping with her. He just went up without talking with her. He said he's at fault for not telling her, but that he just wanted to focus for the veto comp. (*lol) Note: The fact that they're like 10 ft apart from each other, should speak volumes to her. Get a clue, Zak. He's "just not that into you", girlie.

Their argument/convo/whatever the hell it is, goes on until 4am BBT.  She started crying, Paulie never comforted her. He went back upstairs afterwards.

*And that's it for The Overnighter! The HG's will pick for Veto Comp Players and then play the Veto Comp this afternoon at some point.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Nominations Ceremony

At 4:55pm BBT, the live feeds switched off for the Nominations Ceremony. As soon as the feeds come back on, I'll post the spoiler below.

6:06pm BBT:
Feeds are back.

Nominated for Eviction:

These noms were expected, as Paulie volunteered to go up as a pawn to help Paul fight for veto. Paul said he wants either Da'vonne or Bridgette gone this week. Tomorrow is the veto comp where we'll find out how this week will unfold. I'll see y'all in the morning with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy your Friday night and watching the live feeds

BB Care Package Chaos

At 11:52am BBT, we saw Natalie get the first BB Care Package on the live feeds.

Natalie reads the Care Package card..

Natalie: "...get to enjoy warm showers, a comfortable bed, and all the food you can eat all summer long. Thanks, America!"
And cue the chaos!

*Michelle thinks Nat got the care package because she's in a showmane with James.
*Michelle/Nicole/Corey are glad they didn't get the care package because they think they'll just get better
and better as the weeks go on (*yep).
*Paulie's jealousy shows through immediately by saying "now you have no reason to not be on the block", since Nat used the excuse that she didn't wanna go up as a pawn because she's already a HN this week. (er..was.)

*Speaking of Paulie, he calls natalie "FT" for "fake t*ts". That's nice.
*Nicole's jealousy towards Natalie also started to show through quickly.
*Paulie is now pressing for Nat to go up as the pawn next to Bridge.
*Paulie thinks Nat is being "arrogant" now because she jumped up and down in excitement for getting the care pacakge.

*Nicole & Michelle agree with Paulie (*shocker) that Natalie "has changed" to being cocky now.
*Paulie compares Natalie to being another Victoria or GinaMarie, gonna float her way to the end.
*But then Paulie said that he wants to use Natalie like a Victoria/GM..put her up every week since she does nothing anyway.

*Zakiyah joins in the jealousy of Nat getting the package and says Nat is a floater. She told this to Nicole/Corey and Michelle.

*Paulie then pitched to Paul how everyone "hates Natalie".

*But Paul said he's keeping his word and gonna get either Bridge or Day out this week.

*Paul thinks it's smarter, strategy wise, to put up Paulie VS Bridge.
*Victor doesn't want "his boy" to go up on the block (Paulie).
*James told Nat how Nicole wanted her to go up on the block this week and to watch out for her.
*Nat is now worried she's going on the block.
*But Nat has nothing to worry about, as the plan is still on for Paulie/Bridgette on the block.

**Holy moly!! The feeds are really starting to get heated up today. Okie dokie, I'll be back later with the Nomination Ceremony spoiler. Enjoy the live feeds!!

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday, y'all!! Last night on the $6/m live feeds was utter chaos! I thought for sure this week was already done before it even began (thinking that Bridgette would go up & out this week), but nope...Paulie has other plans.

Even though Paul is the HOH, we all know that basically Paulie is the real HOH this week, as he has Paul somewhat under his control. The Nominations Ceremony is today at some point, but not sure when that will take place now that Roadkill is done. (Nom ceremony used to be early on Friday's but now that RK is done, not sure when the nom ceremony will happen now.)

Oh, and the Have Not's for the week are the 4 HG's that had the lowest scores in last nights HOH comp:

Let's get to the Overnighter, shall we?!
Paul asked Victor/Corey if any of them would be the pawn next to Bridgette. Victor said he's not okay with that because he just got back into the house. 

Paulie wants Da'vonne going home this week and as we all know, he's been on this "nominate 2 girls every week" kick for sometime now, so he doesn't want a guy to go up. 

But Paul wants Bridgette up & out this week. Not Da'vonne.

Paulie worked on him a bit more and Paul decided that while he won't put Day up initially, he's okay with her being the renom if it comes to it. He just doesn't want Day up all week and then cause some sh*tstorms in the house because of it.

At 11:21pm BBT, Paul assures Day that she's safe this week, Bridge is his target, and that he's gonna try to win veto to make sure everything goes okay. Day said she trusts him, but not others in the house. Shortly after this convo, Paulie talked to Zakiyah and told her that Day is going after the showmances, so she needs to go.

Nicole freaked out all night about possibly being the pawn. So she went and woke up Natalie, trying to convince her to go up as the pawn.

But Natalie wasn't having any of it. Later on in the night, Nicole talked to Paul and he promised her that if she goes up as a pawn, she's "1,000% safe" this week because either Bridgette or Day would go home over her. Then Corey offered to go up as a pawn.

"But wait, there's more!"

Paulie decides to be the pawn next to Bridgette. Why? Because it would help Paul in the veto comp to win veto.
Paul/Paulie will try to win the veto so that Paulie can come off the block, while preventing Bridgette from winning veto at the same time. Then Day will be the renom. While Paul is still wanting Bridgette gone this week, he said he'll be okay with what the "house decides". *head desk*

So in Paul's mind, Bridgette is the target (with Day as the backup).
In Paulie's mind, Day is the target (with Bridgette as a backup).

**And that's it for The Overnighter! We'll find out later on today if the plan is still to put up Bridgette/Paulie (as the pawn) and see if Paulie's plan to get Day up & out this week is still on the right track or not. I'll post the results of the Nomination Ceremony later on today. Today is my dog's 8th birthday (some of y'all will remember that when I blogged during BB10, she was just a puppy. Can't believe it's been 8 yrs already!!) So I'm gonna go take her for a hike as her birthday present and then toy shopping at Petco afterwards. lol But I'll be back after that. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!! :D

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, ladies & gents! Tonight we will see Frank most likely get the BB boot, unless something drastic happened while the live feeds were off this afternoon...or unless Frank has the roundtrip ticket from the Secret Room.

Let's see how tonight unfolds!

9:00pm ET:
Here we goooo!!

BB is going over the last few days of stuff. Michelle's (edit) diary room session revealed that she regrets not saving Frank with the veto and is "really, really hurt" that he's going home this week."

9:09pm ET:
Showing how Paul figured out the code to find the Secret Room. He dialed "P-A-R-I-S".

9:20pm ET:
Meg/Jason/Mike Boogie/Hayden are coming up on BB after the commercial! (*OMG Jason, my love!!!)

*Meg is cheering for James, will always have a special place in her heart.
*Jason still lives in his moms basement and has all bets on Day winning.
*Hayden doesn't think Nicole playing in a showmance is good for her game but supports her.
*Mike Boogie thinks Frank is playing a "horrible game" because he told everyone when he won the Roadkill Comps and he didn't have to.

9:31pm ET:
Frank's speech basically said he hates everyone in the house, but loves Bridgette and tells her to never change and she's a class act.

9:32pm ET:
With a vote of  9-0...

Evicted from BB18 House is:
Julie will open up Frank's envelope after commercial to see if he has the roundtrip ticket.


Frank does NOT have it. 

9:37pm ET:
HOH Comp is next!

The New HOH is:

Paul's target is Bridgette. As I type this, he's trying to get either Victor or Corey to go up as a pawn next to Bridgette so that they have a better shot at winning veto so they can send her out this week. I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Eviction Day!! :D Well..maybe not "happy", as Frank is still slated to go home this evening. While I try to not be biased on the blog (..which I sometimes fail at because I am a true fan of the show first, blogger second...), I gotta admit that I am super bummed that Frank is going. He's one of like 3 people actually playing the game. And he's been playing hard. So I will miss the heck out of him on the feeds, that's for sure.

This season is more like a mixture of High School drama + The Bachelor. lol There's so much non-game related talk and I have to fight tooth & nail everyday just to rummage through all the bullcrap that's not even game related. Then I have days like yesterday...where I got home from work, turned my laptop on to do an afternoon post, only to find that all the houseguests were still in bed sleeping (minus Natalie) at 4pm BBT (6pm my time), which left me with nothing to post about. Literally nothing. lol So that's why there wasn't an afternoon post yesterday.

Okie dokie, so let's do some cliffnotes first, then some detailed convos of the overnight happenings, shall we?!

*Paulie wants Day out.

*Day/Zak don't trust Nicole.

*Paulie told Corey that he thinks if Bridgette wins HOH, Corey/Nicole are going up.

*Frank told Nicole to not take his eviction speech tonight personally. Nicole asked if he's gonna call her out. He said "not necessarily". (*hmmm..)

*Then Frank went and tried to get Nicole's vote later on in the night. (*lol)

*Paulie is still on his "get the girls out" kick. Wants 2 girls nom'ed every week.

*Paul wants Nicole gone, according to Paulie.

*Nicole/Corey are worried that Bridgette/Day could win HOH. Think they'd gun after them.

*Nicole wants Da'vonne out and toyed with the idea of keeping Frank this week, but then in true Nicole fashion, flip-flops back to wanting Frank out.

*James promised Natalie that she's his Final 2 and that he'll gun after anyone who tries to take her out.

*Paul/Paulie don't trust Corey.

*Da'vonne really wants Nicole out. Paulie (who wants all guys in the house), suggested taking Nicole out and keeping Corey.

10:37pm BBT:
Lounge Room
On "Big Bachelor" last night, Zakiyah was mad that she didn't get a rose ...err...mad at Paulie for letting Nicole rub his head. She doesn't want Paulie to think that "in the real world", that stuff would be allowed. She plans on getting back at Paulie by sleeping in bed with Victor.

Zakiyah:" I'll play games. And I play dirty!"

11:04pm BBT:
HOH Landing
Victor tells Paulie how Zakiyah wants to sleep in his bed with him. Paulie said he doesn't play games and doesn't know who she's been dating, but he doesn't do games. He then says that he thinks Day/Zak are trying to "do something" (to go against the boys).

11:43pm BBT:
Bridgette asks Zakiyah is something happened..
Zakiyah: "Kinda." (re: Paulie/Nicole)

Zakiyah is irritated that Paulie's not giving her attention after saying she wants to sleep in Victor's bed.

Zakiyah: "I tried to one-up somebody and it blew up in my face."

She tells Bridgette that she wanted to sleep in bed with Victor, but then Victor asked Paulie and then told her they (Z/V) can just swap beds. lol So that's how it blew up in her face. Bridgette says that Paulie is just naturally flirty. Zakiyah said she knows and she has to just deal with that about him.

12:50am BBT:
Michelle tells Bridgette that Paul was spreading rumors of Frank campaigning against her (by saying that Bridgette wants to leave this week) and to not believe Paul because Frank's never said a bad word about her.

1:05am BBT:
Nicole wants an alliance with herself/Corey/Paul/Paulie/James. (*as someone on twitter said this morning, "Look who wants to get Britney'ed". lol) Corey asked if Natalie can be included and Nic said ok.

1:05am BBT:
Looks like all is well now, as I just saw this as I flipped through the flashback feeds.

2:15am BBT:
Lounge Room
Frank talked out loud about how he "screwed up" because he's going home this week.
Frank: "Mom...F*ck. I screwed up. Maybe. Maybe the odds were against me the whole time. Either way, I'm bummed and defeated. Ashton, I'm ready to be home and see you. But maybe my card will have the roundtrip ticket. I highly doubt it. But you never know."

Bridgette walks back in the lounge room.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! So Frank is still going home tonight, nothing has changed there. And depending on wins HOH tonight, there's a list of targets that are in danger of getting up & out this upcoming week. I'll be back tonight at 9pm ET to blog the live eviction show.

Also, I want to extend a HUGE thank you to every single person (yes YOU!!) for supporting the blog by either getting the live feeds through me and/or making a donation to keep me here all summer long blogging for y'all. I literally could NOT be here without your support! So from the bottom of my humble heart, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Weds: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Hump Day!! Yayyy it's Wednesday, half-way through the work week and just 1 day away from the Live Eviction tomorrow! :D

As it stands right now, Frank is still expected to go out the BB door tomorrow, though he's now starting to fight to stay. Let's get to the Overnighter, shall we?!

*Frank's been telling HG's that Bridgette actually wants to go home and to keep him instead.

*At 5:45pm BBT, Frank flipped Nicole off, as she was on the backyard couch staring at him. She asked if he just flipped her off, he said yea because she's staring at him. Nicole said she was looking straight-ahead and that he's just in her field of vision.

*At 8:04pm BBT, Frank catches Nicole once again staring at him. He gives her the middle finger again and tells Bridgette that he's sick of her staring at him all the time.

*Da'vonne has been spreading seeds of "don't trust Nicole" around the house and those seem to be blossoming well.

8:42pm BBT:
Frank/Paulie/Corey talk.
Frank is campaigning to Paulie/Corey. Paulie said he has his vote to stay. Corey says the same and that Frank should talk to Nicole. (*Natalie/Corey talk later and decide that Frank's gotta go this week.)

3:16am BBT:
Paul tells Bridgette how Frank's been telling people that Bridgette wants to go home this week. She said that's not true, she wants to stay. Paul mentions how Frank has been saying that he won't campaign against her, but he is. Paul tells her to call Frank out on it.

3:40am BBT:
Lounge Room
The boys are talking about Nicole/Corey. Frank said that they're getting closer & closer, he doesn't like that. Paulie said that Nicorey has been fighting more since Victor came into the house. Paulie tells Frank that Paul wants him (F) gone this week.

Frank: "Why does (Paul) want me gone so bad??"
Paulie: "I don't f*cking know."
Frank: "The other night, I thought you, me, him and Bridgette were all (close).."
Paulie: "Me too."

4:30am BBT:
Backyard Couch
Paul and Frank are going back & forth..heated at times. Paul is calling Frank on stuff, as Frank is calling Paul out for being a hypocrite. Frank mentions how James told Bridgette/Frank that if he won HOH, they'd be safe and obviously that was a lie. Paul said he didn't know that. (*Sidenote: yesterday, Frank talked to the cams for a second and said "Sorry America, but James is a douchebag." Fans over on Twitter agreed.)

Frank: "You wanna look at me as the bad guy, for doing the same thing that (James) did."

Paul then accuses Frank of belittling him.
Frank: "WHEN!??"

This is ongoing. A good flashback moment on the live feeds if you have the time.

5:42am BBT:
Pool Area
Frank goes over and sits by Bridge. She nervously giggles for minutes, as Frank tells her to stop and talk to her.

Frank: "Talk to me! You're upset."
Bridgette: "Yea."
Frank: "You think I'm campaigning against you."
Bridgette: "Mhmm."

Frank asks if it was Paul who said something (about Frank saying how Bridgette supposedly doesn't wanna stay this week. She said yea and she believes him.

Bridgette: "You're making me feel silly." (about telling others she doesn't wanna stay.)
Frank: "You need to trust me that I didn't say that...I asked two people ABOUT their votes, not to vote for me. I asked if they're voting me out on Thursday. I told you I had 3 votes. Then I asked Zakiyah..she said does Bridgette not wanna be here?..I didn't say it, she asked that.."

Frank: "I never asked anybody to vote you out."
Frank said that Paul overheard him/Zakiyah talking and took the conversation and ran with it.

Frank: "You're my best friend in the house, Bridgette! I'm most pissed about you being on the block with me! You think I'm bullsh*ttin' you?"
Bridgette: "I dunno."
Frank: "I need to have a real conversation with stop picking at your fingers and giggling at me. Speak words to me."

Fast-forward a bit to sunrise...

6:10am BBT:
Frank: "Every time you talked about going home, I talked you out of it! I'd never use that against you...I'm getting tired of hearing my own damn voice, saying the same thing over and over again."
Bridgette: "I love your voice."

Bridgette says "It's okay."

By 6:45am BBT, Frank/Bridgette have seemed to have made up. They're back to being good with each other.
Frank: "You're still my Ride or Die..even if it's just for 36 more hours...main reason I even wanna stay, is (for) revenge. F*ck some shit up." (*Yesss!!!)

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! I don't see anything changing for Frank and he's pretty much dead in the water at this point. And he knows it. So unless he has the golden ticket (*Willy Wonka reference), then he's toast. But this is BB after all, so anything is possible. I'll be back later with an afternoon post. Also, tonight we get a fresh new BB18 episode at 8pm ET, so make sure to tune in! See y'all later!! :D

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Afternoon Post

Good evening, ladies & gents! The afternoon in the BB18 house has been rather uneventful. Frank is still slated to exit on Thursday, nothing has changed there.

In other news, it *appears* (but not yet confirmed) that BB19 will be this Fall. This is due to an article on Reality Blurred and former BB houseguest Becky saying that her agent sent her the info that BB is casting for BB19 this Fall (she posted about it on Twitter). As soon as I get 100% confirmation, I will definitely let y'all know. And yes, I will be blogging BB19, no matter when it'll take place. lol

So, to recap:
-Frank is still getting evicted Thursday
-Nicole is still whiny
-Paul talked about tattoo advice for a long time
-James did his HOH blog & took pics

That's really about it.

I actually listened to Paul go on and on (and on) about tattoos, simply because I wanna get more tats done and was listening to his advice on finding a good artist, how to take care of them, etc etc. I probably listened for way longer than I should have....I was bored. lol Anyway, it's actually pretty good advice for anyone who wants to use the Flashback Feature on the live feeds.

 Paul talking about his stomach/chest tattoo.

Paul explains that he had his nipple filled in black because it's part of his eagle wing and wanted it to blend in, but it needs to be done again because the skin didn't take the ink well. He doesn't have his other nipple tattooed fully because he "tapped out" and was about to vomit from the pain. lol
Showing his side tats.

"Love Sucks" tat right above know. lol :P
**I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the $6/m live feeds!!

Tues: The Overnighter

Happy Tuesday, everybody!! As we learned yesterday (scroll down 1 post), Paul was the 1st to find the secret room. Inside, were 12 envelopes with 1 of them containing a round trip ticket. Houseguests are not allowed to open them up until they get evicted and is on the stage with Julie. If they open them up, they are voided out. If they open up another HG's envelope, they will receive a penalty (unspecified). Whichever HG is evicted and has the round trip ticket, will automatically be sent back into the BB18 house.

James joked yesterday that they keep evicting people and they keep coming back, it's hard to just make it to jury. lol He's right. It's gotta be frustrating. If I remember correctly, the HG's only have 4 weeks to use them, so it's not something they can carry with them throughout the game.

Since this gives Frank a 1 in 12 shot at coming back in the game on Thursday (yes, he's still slated to get evicted Thursday), Da'vonne said Bridgette is "acting cocky" all of sudden, thinking that herself or Frank could come back into the game if/when evicted.

In other news, Nicole/Corey are still nauseating to watch on the feeds. Nicole was upset at Corey yesterday because he found out the right code to dial for the secret room and wouldn't tell her, as Paulie/Zakiyah shared that info with each other. Nicole did her usual "Are you mad at meeee??" whining that made me cringe and switch to the other cameras in the house. lol Nicole eventually got the code from Victor, and like clockwork, Corey/Nicole made up and are fine. For now.

Moving on...

Paul told Paulie last night that if he (Paul) wins HOH, he wants to put Natalie up on the block because she's done nothing in the game except for floating through it.

Funny enough, James told Natalie (2am BBT) she doesn't have win HOH this week because she's anyone's target. He said while he'd never tell someone to *not* win HOH, he doesn't think she's in danger of being nominated any time soon.
James: "You're not on anyone's radar. Bigger fish to fry. You could probably go 2 or 3 weeks (without winning HOH)."

Nicole started to cry to Corey last night (11:21pm BBT) because of how she might be perceived on the show this year. The D.R. asked about her being upset with Corey, which made her wonder how she'll be shown on the show.

At 2:21am BBT, James and Natalie went into the Secret Room (*is that what we're still calling it? lol) to just hang out and talk.
They said BB never said they couldn't go back in it, so they think it's allowed. (BB never called them out on it, so I'm guessing it's okay for the HG's to use the room.)

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the HOH Pics and Blog, so expect to see James running around the BB house with the camera later on. I'll be back with an afternoon update post later on. Until then, enjoy the $6/m live feeds!! :D

Monday, July 25, 2016

Paul Finds the Secret Room

At 5:41pm BBT, Paul dialed the correct number (for the 2nd time..the first time he listened to the recording, hung up, and then tried to keep others away for awhile).

The recording stated the following...
A door to a tunnel opened to the secret room and revealed 12 tickets. The card in the secret room stated that while their are 12 tickets, only 1 of them has a "Roundtrip Ticket" to Paris. When a HG is evicted, their ticket envelope will be opened up live on the air. If they have the 1 Roundtrip Ticket, they automatically go back into the house. So all the HG's have the chance to figure out the secret code, enter the room, and then pick an envelope with a ticket inside. They cannot open it, or tamper with other HG's tickets.

5:41pm BBT:
Paul dials the correct code again and the tunnel door opens. He crawls through into the secret room.

 Paul reads the BB card that states there are 12 envoplopes, only 1 has the round trip ticket inside.

Paul comes out and tells the other HG's about the room, but lies a little bit here & there. The other HG's think any one of them can figure it out and go grab an envelope too, but Paul won't give up the code. Tells them all to figure it out.

 At 6:07pm BBT, Victor is the 2nd HG to find the secret room.

**Turn on your live feeds, guys & gals!! :D If you don't have them, you can get'em for $6/m, nothing to download, took me less than 5 mins to get them up and running. Super duper easy, I promise!! Enjoy!!!

UPDATED @ 6:46pm BBT:
All HG's have now entered the Secret Room and grabbed an envelope.

Veto Ceremony Results

Good afternoon & Happy Monday to y'all!! As I posted this morning on Facebook & Twitter, I was unable to do the Overnighter due to problems on the blog. So if some of y'all have been getting an error/red screen, the problem should be fixed now. (I was up till 3am trying to fix it, but just was able to fix it about an hour ago. It was coding issue with my layout coding. #GeekTalk).

Okay, so anyway, the Veto Ceremony was held today at 11am BBT...

The Veto was Not Used
Frank is still slated to go home Thursday. 

There was a "house meeting" (if you wanna call it that) at 3am this morning, that wasn't supposed to include Da'vonne or Zakiyah, but Day ended up joining anyway and that's when Frank got the news that the veto was not gonna be used. James had been promising Da'vonne that even if by some chance it was gonna be used, that she'd be "1,000%" not going up as the renom anyway.

In other news, there was a disgusting thing that happened early this morning (5:12am BBT Cam 4) by Zakiyah. (I retweeted the clip over on Twitter this morning before I had to go to work.) Zakiyah changed her maxi pad right in front of James/Paul/Nicole/Michelle and then proceeded to put her hands in a bag of chips without washing her hands afterwards. *gags*

Also, at 10:10pm BBT last night, Frank mysteriously started looking around for...something.

Clues to the secret room, perhaps. Twitter blew up last night over this, as fans tweeted Executive Producer (Allison Grodner) for maybe giving Frank a tip-off to start searching for clues. This is just a theory, obviously, so who knows why all of a sudden he started looking around. The timing is pretty perfect though. Just sayin'. lol :P

**I'll be back tonight with a quickie post before bed. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!

EDIT: I forgot to post the newely updated Alliance & Deals Chart, courtesy of the amazing @89razorskate20 on Twitter!

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