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Thursday, June 30, 2016

HOH Comp Results

When the live feeds came back on, the HOH Comp was over and we have a new HOH for this week...

The New HOH is:

Category 4 won, making that team safe from eviction this week.

Nicole congratulated Paulie and said his brother (Cody) must be so happy. Paulie told Nicole that he told Natalie/Bronte that the votes were going towards Jozea to be evicted and they still chose to vote to evict Paulie. haha But this weeks target for Paulie, is Victor.

In other news, Frank/Tiffany patched things up..for now.

I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Until then, enjoy the live feeds!! :D

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Gooood evening, ladies & gents!! It's time for our 1st live eviction of this 90 day Big Brother season yayy!! :D Show starts at 9pm ET, so grab your snackies and let's watch tonight's epsiode together, shall we?!

Here we go!!

9:03pm ET:
Show starts, showing recaps of the past week.

9:27pm ET:
Time for the votes!

Victor votes to evict PAULIE
Zakiyah votes to evict JOZEA
Paul votes to evict PAULIE
Frank votes to evict JOZEA
Da'vonne votes to evict JOZEA
Michelle votes to evict JOZEA
Bronte votes to evict PAULIE
Natalie votes to evict PAULIE
James votes to evict JOZEA
Tiffany votes to evict JOZEA
Corey votes to evict JOZEA

Evicted from the BB18 House is:
Jozea didn't say anything. None of the other HG's said anything either. Quick hugs to all the HG's from Jozea before he walked out the door.

9:38pm ET:
Julie will announce another big twist after commercial.

9:43pm ET:
Jozea is teary-eyed. He feels betrayed by Natalie. Julie's bringing up how he claimed to be the newbies "Messiah". lol (FYI Natalie didn't flip. lol)

BB18 TWIST is called "Battle Back":
Glenn & Jozea will battle in the 1st "Battle Back" weekly comp. Whoever wins, will advance to keep battling more evicted HG's until the 5th evicted HG. (**This is basically Redemption Island on Survivor, BB style.)

9:52pm ET:
Time for the HOH Comp!!! It's a balance beam and relay type of physical comp.

Natalie is out of the comp already. 

--No word on when we'll see the Battle Back Comp. Hmmm.--

**End of Show**

Tune into the live feeds ($6 bucks, nothing to download, takes less than 5 mins to get'em up & running!) to finish watching this HOH Comp and the 24/7 house cams!! :D

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Eviction Day!! :D It's been a long, loooong week for us BB fans but today is the day that we will see Jozea finally get evicted, followed by a new HOH being crowned. I can't wait to see what this upcoming week has in store for us!

Before I get to the Overnighter, I wanted to give y'all an updated Alliance Chart, courtesy of the wonderful @89razorskate20 on Twitter.

Okie dokie, let's get to the Overnighter, shall we?!

7:50pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Jozea is still confident that he's safe this week and that Paulie is trying to "out social-game him", but he can't.
Jozea also mentions that Day was voted out by white people on her season, so she won't side with them. *head desk* Victor/Jozea talk about who to put up if they win HOH. At first, Jozea said Nicole, but then switched it to James/Corey, so that Nicole would be left by herself. Umm...that's not how the game works, Jozea. But ok. lol :p

8:06pm BBT:
Natalie asked Nicole about Victor asking her (Nicole) out on a date post-BB. Nicole said he mentioned that he liked her and wanted to spend time together outside the house, but she just thinks it was strategy. Even so, Nicole said she doesn't like him like that. Natalie said she doesn't like Victor like that either, and that she just doesn't like Victor lying about it.

9:19pm BBT:
HOH Room
Frank and Zakiyah are talking about Tiffany. Frank mentions that he wouldn't mind seeing Tiffany go in the next few weeks. Frank said he wouldn't mind if Tiffany goes next, after Jozea and Victor.

Frank: "We got the numbers, at that point."
Zakiyah: "Yea."
Frank: "Natalie and Bridgette aren't threats."
Zakiyah: "No. They're not." (laughs)
Frank: "I'll win the Roadkill Comp and put (Tiffany) up anonymously."
Zakiyah: "She makes me nervous...she makes herself seem suspect."

10:13pm BBT:
Frank is telling the girls that Jozea is probably gonna get voted out. Natalie said she's not going back on her word, she's gonna keep Jozea (doesn't matter, Jozea is still going). Frank encourages her to vote anyway she wants to vote and that he (Frank) isn't gonna vote out his teammate (Paulie). 

Natalie: "I'm not a person that says something, and then not keep it. It's just not my style."

10:42pm BBT:
London Bedroom

Natalie tells Bronte/Victor she feels like Jozea will be evicted this week, and not Paulie.

Victor: "I really want Jozea to win Head of Household. I really do."
Natalie: "Jozea's going home tomorrow. I just feel it."
Bronte: "If Jozea goes home, we have to hustle."
Victor: "I don't think so.."
Natalie: "You really think Frank is gonna vote against Paulie?"
Victor: "Yep."

Bronte/Victor still think Jozea will be safe tomorrow and Paulie will go.

11:03pm BBT:
Natalie said she wanted to talk to James about how she's hearing two sides of the story of the whole Nicole/Victor date thing. James said he's straight up and doesn't lie. Natalie said that's why she wanted to talk to him.

Frank: "That's why I told you (Natalie) that James is not a malicious person."
Natalie: "I know that."
James: "I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't wanna hurt your feelings, I didn't know if it would..that's why I was like, just be careful."
Natalie: "Yea."

11:14pm BBT:
London Bedroom
Natalie tells Bronte she's keeping Jozea but

Natalie: "I'm voting for Jozea (to stay), I'm keeping my word, but moving forward..I'm not gonna go against the house. And tomorrow, we're gonna find out who 'the house' is...I'm not gonna make myself a target..they're all targets."
Bronte: "Yea."

Bridgette walks in and asks Natalie if she's okay. Natalie said yea and that she's already made a promise to keep Jozea and so she's keeping her word.

1:02am BBT:
London Bedroom
Tiffany/Nicole/James is crying and freaking out about Frank being a male chauvinist. (NOTE: this is all because Frank felt like Tiffany was grilling him about why he told Natalie about Jozea possibly going home.)

Nicole hugs her and asks her what she wants to tell Frank for her. Tiffany doesn't like that she's crying and says she hopes BB shows other people crying, too. James jokes and said if he could cry, he would.

Tiffany: "Say 'she's fine, she just needs some time.'"
Nicole: "Okay."

Tiffany asks James to stay in the room with her. Nicole offers Tiffany to sleep in the HOH room with her. James: "I know how Frank is, he does that to me too."
Tiffany: "But why me??"
James: "That's how Frank is...he was my hero on Big Brother, but he's really sassy, man."
Tiffany: "I feel like I walk on egg shells around him...I don't like to fight.."

Tiffany said that Frank doesn't do it to any other girls, just her. She also said that Frank is always sarcastic and never knows if he's serious or not. James chimes in and says he's told Frank the same thing, he never knows if he's joking or not.

1:25am BBT:
Frank said that Tiffany is doing exactly what Vanessa used to do (regarding the crying thing).

**And that's it for the Overnighter! James/Corey/Frank are now wondering if they should get Tiffany out of the group (which Frank is just itching to do lately), and bring in Natalie. The only question they have, is if the other girls in the group would be okay with that or not .So we'll have to see how that develops this upcoming week.

Tonight's eviction will still be a blindside to Jozea and I can't wait!! Frank joked earlier in the night that he asked production for a polariod camera so that he could snap a pic of Jozea's face when he gets evicted. lol I'm sure there'll be memes and gifs of his reaction all over Twitter tonight. I'll be sure to post a couple here. ;) haha

If you wanna watch the live feeds, they are suuuuuper cheap! $6 bucks a month, nothing to download, takes less than 5 mins to get'em up and running, I promise you! It's so easy. And!!!..the 1st week is free, which is even more awesome. Please use the links/banners on the blog to signup & support the blog. I literally could not be here without y'alls support and/or donations. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported the blog this season, you guys are rockstars!!! :D

Just clicky-click the banner to go grab your feeds!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Weds Afternoon Post

Drammaa!! ;) There's still some tension that was leftover from last night and the tension was so thick this early afternoon, that you could've cut it with a knife. Also, Bronte has quickly become one of the most hated HG's (next to Jozea/Paul) for her racial comments the past couple days about James. Let's get caught up!

HG's are on inside lockdown as BB builds tomorrow's live show comp. I'm sure being trapped in the house isn't helping the tension. lol :P

10:44am BBT:
Victor yells that James' pranks are "f*cking petty!".

10:49am BBT:
Jozea/Paul/Victor/Bronte are in the kitchen. Paul says he's gonna "sh*t in James' bed". Victor said he's gonna sh*t in James' mouth  (because of all the pranks James has been pulling..the latest one involved crackers). Paul then said he hopes Nicole gets melanoma (skin cancer).

10:55am BBT:
Frank fills Nicole/James in on what the kitchen crew just said. Nicole thinks they need to lighten up. James said he's ready to go downstairs and "stir up some sh*t". And then he does just that.

11:02am BBT:

Paul is complaining about the pranks, specifically the ones that involve food because of the ant problem they have in the house (as they do every season, but they arrived early this year) and Paul said he's getting bit on his neck by them. Victor then chimes in and him/James go rounds.

James: "Black ants bite?"
Victor: "The f*ck does it matter if they bite or not? They're ants, nonetheless."
Paul: "Black ants bite, though."
James: "They don't bite."
Victor: "I don't care if they bite or not, I don't f*cking want them anywhere."
James: "You're gonna have'em regardless."
Victor: "Yep! And it makes it easier if you keep throwing sh*t in our room, man."
James: "You need to lighten up, bro."
Victor: "You need to stop doing that sh*t, bro."
James: "You need to lighten up, bro. Lighten'up. Big Brother 18, man. Have fun. You're not at home anymore. You don't have to be so wound up."
Victor: "It's not about being wound up, man."
James: "Where's the kid in you? You have any kid left in you? Or you just a I can't do anything fun, it's not in my can put crackers in my bed, if you want."
Victor: "But I don't."
James: "You should. It's fun." (*lol!)

James: "You'll laugh. Laugh is good for the soul."

This is definitely worth the look on the Flashback Feeds.

11:28am BBT:

Bronte is talking badly about James to Natalie.

Bronte: "I don't know why James did this. Like, he's on our team! Why go out of your way to have bad blood, little f*cktard. I seriously could beat James up right now. It was just so unnecessary. ..and I wanna kick his little Asian a** back to Hong Kong, or wherever he came from."

Natalie just sighs and looks down at her nails.
Bronte goes on and on about how much of a liar James is (see the Overnighter for details on why). What's interesting, is that it was Bronte who made all this drama up and she's pinning it on James.

Around 11:23am BBT, Bronte said that the HG's this season are "ratchet". Such a sweetheart, this one. ;) lol

11:40am BBT:
HOH Landing/Chess Area

Paul patched things up with James by appologizing. saying he doesn't want things to be awakward between the three of them (Victor/James/Paul) since they're on the same team. James said he'll go talk to Victor one on one and that Victor needs to lighten up.

12:20pm BBT:
Corey tells James that when he (J) walked away from the kitchen convo earlier, Victor mumbled "don't punch him, don't threaten him". James said he's glad he didn't hear it but it's good to know he said it. Nicole warns Corey to stay out of the drama. James tells Nicole that he was gonna apologize to Victor, but not now. Since Victor is on James team, James wants to throw the HOH comp to make Victor vulnerable to being nominated.

James: "I've never been so ready to lose a competition." 

*And that's it for the Afternoon Post! Other than that, and Frank wanting to desperately take off the pixels costume, nothing much has happened. Lots of napping and laying around for now. Tonight should be another story, though. If you haven't tried out the feeds, you really should! Stuff is finally starting to get good and tomorrow's blindside eviction is just gonna be added fuel to the fire! haha They're only $6 bucks a month, nothing to download, takes less than 5 mins to get'em up & running. Just click right here to go get the live feeds & support the blog!!

PS Tonight's BB18 episode airs at 8pm ET!

Weds: The Overnighter (UPDATED)

Good morning & Happy Wednesday to y'all!! This long, looong 1st week of BB18 is about to end tomorrow w00t w00t! We've known for several days now, that Jozea is gonna be the one leaving tomorrow, which left little room for anything else to happen game wise. Jozea just started to get a little nervous yesterday afternoon (took long enough lol) about his safety this week. He's been noticing how comfortable Paulie's been this week, which is who Jozea thinks will be leaving tomorrow. This convo happened between Jozea/Frank in the backyard (5pm BBT).

As far as votes go this week to get Jozea out...
"7-4, out the door."-Frank

That pretty much sums it up.

The paranoia didn't stop with Jozea finally having a wake-up moment, though. Bronte is always suspecting something is up, since nobody has offered any deals to save Paulie. She also mentioned that she'd put up Nicole/Corey if she wins HOH.

Day told Vanessa's sister, Tiffany, that James is getting worried about her (Tiff) talking to the other side. Tiffany deflected that by saying it was actually James talking to the other side, not her.
Frank later on told Day that he's annoyed that they have to babysit Tiffany. (Day told Frank that Tiffany must have overheard Day/James talk.)

In other news, James' team all received slip-grip shoes for only them in the Storage Room. (6:14pm BBT)
(Their team didn't get these comp shoes because they didn't play in the Sandcastle comp.)

At 7:05pm BBT, Zakiyah and Nicole made up a dance routine to pass the time. It's a cute lil moment to see on the Flashback Feeds.
 They perform the dance at 7:30pm BBT.

A few minutes before their dance, Tiffany/Paulie teased Nicole for liking Corey a lot.

Nicole got defensive (in a cute way, not angry) and said she doesn't like Corey like that and that she's "still damaged" (from dating Hayden?? I think they just broke up in Dec if I remember right).

9:22pm BBT:
Backyard Couch
Frank and Day are talking about Tiffany. Frank mentions that he doesn't wanna have to "babysit" Tiffany for the next few weeks. Frank comments how Tiffany has been wearing a hat around the house like her sister (Vanessa) used to do.

Zakiyah: "It's almost like she wants people to know..(that she's Vanessa's sister)"
Day: "Almost. Almost."
Frank: "Wearing those damn sunglasses at night.."
Zakiyah: "I think she watches me..with those damn sunglasses on out here."

11:04pm BBT:
Storage Room
Frank and Nicole make a Final 2 deal.

Nicole: "Alright! So, final 2."
Frank: "Alright."
Nicole: "Seriously."
Frank: "Let's do it."

12:44am BBT:
Jozea/Paul/Victor now thinks that Paulie is calm because nobody told him he's going home this week. (*lol)

1:55am BBT:

Victor and Jozea were outside by the pool table talking, when Bronte/Paul came out to join them. Paul started going off about how he's sick of girls saying "it's girl talk" when he asks what they're talking about.

Paul: "If they say it's "girl talk" one more time, I'm gonna tell them to go f*ck themselves...constantly getting sh*t on 'cause I'm not a female."

Bronte then says how James is going around telling everyone how Victor asked Nicole out on a date today. Victor denies it.

Bronte: "Did you ask Nicole out on a date today?"
Victor: "No."
Bronte: "Because James has announced to the house that you have, and that's what he's telling Natalie right now."
Victor: "I didn't say that..he said that just now?"
Bronte: "Yes...James is trying to pull us apart!"


Jozea agrees with Bronte. Paul gets even more agitated.
Jozea: "And I don't like this whole Bridgette..feminist..power thing."
Paul: "It's getting f*cking old, and f*cking old fast."

Paul talks about how he now wants James up & out of the house and says that James is "full of sh*t".
Victor wants to go ask James if he said that about the Victor/Nicole date thing, but Bronte said he can't because then James will know Bronte went out there and told the boys what he said.

Paul: "I don't give a f*ck!"
Bronte: "I give a f*ck. And you guys gotta respect that I give a f*ck...I don't need your protection (Paul), I need you to keep your mouth shut!"

2:05am BBT:
Bronte is inside. The boys (Victor/Jozea/Paul) remain outside talking.
Paul: "These belittling comments are getting on my nerves."
Jozea begs Paul to not start anything until after Thursday, since he's on the block. Paul said he'll "bite his tongue" until after then.

2:16am BBT:
Jozea goes inside.
Paul/Victor continue talking.

Paul: "James is a f*cking piece of sh*t, bro. I'm sick of him...with his dumb ass pranks, his cockiness, waking around like he's the sh*t, I'm gonna call him out and take him out."

This is ongoing. This all stemmed from Natalie being upset over comments that Victor has been saying to her..such as teasing her for her pants dragging on the ground and saying "eww", to how much cheese he adds to her food, etc. James/Bridgette/Bronte/Tiffany were in a room where Natalie vented. Jozea tried to patch things up on Victor's behalf, but Natalie wanted to deal with Victor directly. So Paul/Jozea now think that James was adding fuel to the fire by being in the room.

Natalie/Victor make peace, but then Paul enteres the room and gets told they're having "girl talk", which pissed Paul off.

Later in the night (around 2:40am BBT), Paul says that if Jozea gets evicted on Thursday, he's gonna start punching people. (*Oh, Thursday is gonna be glorious! haha)

Both Paul and Bronte made racial comments about James last night. Paul called James a "little Korean man", and Bronte said she's send him "back to Hong Kong" (2:47am BBT).

I didn't hear/see this, but Twitter is blowing up about it...sorry I missed this earlier!

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! So things are definitley starting to heat up finally, and tomorrow sounds like it's gonna be a blood bath. I can't wait!! ;) muahaha! If you haven't yet got the live feeds, I highly encourage you to do so before tomorrow night. It's $6 bucks/m, nothing to download, took me less than 5 mins to get them up & running. Easy peasy! I'll be back with the afternoon post later on! :D

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

HOH Pics

This weeks HOH, Nicole, got the BB camera and went around the house today to take pics of/with the other houseguests. Here's some of them that you can expect to see posted on (either tonight or tomorrow, I forget how long they take to get posted.)

Other than the HOH camera fun earlier (1:52pm BBT), nothing much has been going on. Total chill day for the houseguests. This has been a pretty long week for not only the HG's, but for us fans as well. Things will definitely spice up after Thursday's live eviction, after Jozea gets blindsided and gets the boot. lol ;)

Tuesday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Tuesday, BB addicts!! Just a quick recap...Jozea/Paulie/Bridgette are all nominated for eviction. Jozea is definitley going home this Thursday, while Jozea and the "Rookies Against Vets" alliance think that Jozea is safe. Oh boy.

Before I get to the Overnighter, I have the very first BB18 Saga video to share with y'all and it's a good one!!

Love it!

Okay, moving on...

Da'vonne and Frank had a talk yesterday (4pm BBT) about how she's scared of a Paulie/Zakiyah showmance blooming and Paulie taking Day's ally away. Frank mentioned the pecking order be Jozea this week, Victor next week, Bronte, then maybe Paulie.

In the newbies world, Bronte/Natalie had a talk yesterday, where Bronte said she'd be scared if Jozea goes home this week. Bronte also said she wants a girl to win BB this season, but then said if she wins HOH, she'd put up Corey and Nicole (who's been having a flirtmance lately.)  Later on in the night, Bronte/Natalie wondered why Paulie isn't scared of going home this week. (*lol) Paul thinks it's because Paulie has "accepted his fate". These newbies crack me up. :P

Not only does Jozea not suspect he's going home, but he thought about not even packing his bags this week because of how confident he is in staying. (6:34pm BBT)

Victor told him to pack anyway, as it wouldn't look good if he was that cocky to not pack. Late in the night, Paul/Jozea talked about winning HOH next week and who to nominate. Ahhh, I love the delusions. ;)

For the 2nd time, Da'vonne brings up a Final 2 scenario with Nicole (7:30pm BBT), saying that she wants to go to the end with her. Nicole didn't really seem excited about it, but didn't run away from Day like she did the other day, so I guess that's progress. lol They plan on possibly using a newbie to take out the 2 boy vets, James/Frank, down the line.

The "Fatal 5 Alliance" is already starting to crack under pressure. Da'vonne and Nicole think Tiffany is too emotional and Day wouldn't mind if they had to let her go. So much for an all-girls alliance lasting this season!

Bronte has a crush on Paulie that she keeps trying to mask and even mentioned how he's "the most beautiful thing" she's ever seen. (I can't argue with that...look at this guy! Geez.)
At 3:05am, Paulie was flirting with Bridgette. (I'm telling y'all..he's using his good looks and flirting to get the ladies on his side. I could be wrong, but if I was him, that's what I'd do.)

Oh, and last night (8:42pm BBT), Bridgette and Paulie talked by the hammock. She told him a story about partially biting someones ear off during a college drinking party.

Paulie asked if it was provoked, to which she said no. Hmmm. Ooook. *side eyes Bridgette*

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! I'll be back in the afternoon with an update post on the BB18 house happenings. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Afternoon Quickie Post

Good evening, ladies & gents! It's been a pretty uneventful day in the BB18 house today. I've been waiting..and waiting...and waiting some more, for something juicy to post. Sadly, I got nothing. lol Jozea is still slated to get booted on Thursday, and nope..he still has no idea. So at least we got that to look forward to! Yayyy!!

Frank and Da'vonne had a good little conversation this afternoon about what to do for next week. They're already past this week..Jozea will be leaving, now it's just a waiting game until Thursday at this point (hence why all the HG's have been napping, swimming and not doing much today.) Soooo, it looks like Victor will be the next target going into this next week since nobody really likes him. (Victor has mentioned that if Jozea goes this week, then he knows he's in big trouble for next week.)

Da'vonne brought up how Paulie and Zakiyah have been flirting a lot lately (Paulie's a big flirt in general, personally I just think it's his social game tactic, but maybe they really are into each other. Hmm!) Anyway, Da'vonne came up with a decent plan to wear Victor down: to put him on slop via being a Have Not for the week, in order to weaken him. James also thinks Victor will go crazy on slop. So we have that awesomeness to possibly look forward to. Fun!

I'll be back either tonight (if something major happens) or tomorrow morning with The Overnighter. See y'all then!! :D

Monday: The Overnighter

Goooood morning, BB addicts! Happy Monday to y'all!! :D I'm all rested up, coffee in my hand and ready to do this Overnighter. On last nights BB episode, we got our first look at the new BB Roadkill Comp. What did you guys & gals think of it? Personally, I kinda dig it!

I mentioned this over on Twitter yesterday....
...and I really am excited for that moment to happen (whenever the heck that'll be lol). Right now, the vets (Frank, Nicole, Da'vonne, James) can run the game easily, as half of the newbies are utterly clueless to how to play. I forget which HG it was yesterday that I overheard on the live feeds ask if the nominated houseguests are able to make speeches before the live voting starts. Totally a *head desk* moment for me. :P While I like a couple of "what's going on??" houseguests every season, it seems like half this cast fits into that category. lol

Speaking of clueless houseguests, Jozea takes the BB cake on this one. Every time I see him on TV, I find myself saying out loud "..this guy." and shaking my head. He's delusional and still thinks he's safe this week, which makes me feel warm fuzzies inside at the thought of seeing utter shock on his face as he gets voted out on Thursday. I'd imagine it'll be a Dustin from BB8 moment all over again. lol

 Okay, let's get to the Overnighter, shall we?! It appears that Flashback is now working properly yayyy!! :D So you can use your live feeds to access the Flashback Feeds, which look like this..
By the way, if you're wondering what's going on in this pic, it's that BB called out Paul for his mic being too high and his beard scratching on it. Apparantly, BB told the HG's their mics should be 6-8 inches below their neck. Paul requested that BB come up with a "Please move your mic away from your beard" announcement when it happens.

12:46pm BBT:
Da'vonne pitched a Final 2 deal with Nicole, but Nicole was more focused on a bug in the backyard than giving Day a response. Nicole said she's gonna take the bug and put it on Corey.

Day then talks to us live feedsters about what just happened...
Da'vonne: "We were having a conversation about a Final 2 and she takes a beetle in there to put on Corey? Am I missing something?"

1:55pm BBT:
Backyard Lounge
Delusional Jozea mentions that he'll be busy with BB stuff after the season and that he won't have to work a full time job anymore. He even mentions hosting red carpet interviews at the Grammy's. (I'm not kidding.)

4:10pm BBT:
After the feeds cut out for over an hour, they come back and it's revealed that the HG's had their Veto Ceremony. Paul (veto winner) took himself off the block. Frank (secretly) put up Bridgette as the replacement nom. After the ceremony, Bronte/Jozea/Paul told Bridgette to not worry about that Paulie is going home this week. (He's not. Jozea is.) But Jozea was right...Bridgette isn't getting evicted this week. lol ;)

8:59pm BBT:
James/Frank (Michelle on the BY couch)
James and Frank talk to us live feedsters.
Frank: "This is my boy James right here.."
James: "This is my boy, Frank..he's been my hero."
Frank: "We've created a bond..I think it'll last, at least until the end of the show, and then I'll probably never talk to him again." (*lol)
James: "Same here. Probably gonna unfollow him on Instagram. And twitter."
Frank: "Actually, I've never followed him, so..."
James laughs.

Frank: "No, but for boy James. My ride or die. You know I trust this guy. He's been pranking the sh*t outta me.."
James: "He gets really mad about that."

Frank says that James is really good at pranks. It's a cute/funny flashback moment.

10:49pm BBT:
Bronte boob shot! Bronte was calling for James because he put mayo in a body wash bottle yesterday as a prank. The cams switched and boom!...Bronte boob! lol This is on Cam 1, for those that are looking for it on the Flashback Feeds. (I had to censor the pic for the blog, so you'll need the feeds if you're curious.) Natalie said she just showered and used it, didn't notice it was mayo. She goes and finds James and starts playfully hitting him and complaining that she has mayo all over her body now. lol

**And that's it for the Overnighter! The only other thing worth mentioning is that James will likely have to throw the next team HOH comp in order to block his teammates (Victor/Natalie/Bronte) from winning. I'll be back with the Afternoon Post later on today! As of 7:41am BBT, all HG's are still sleeping.

You can watch the live feeds while I'm away, took me less than 5 mins to sign up, nothing to download, first week is free and only $6 bucks/m afterwards. Cheap entertainment!! :D See y'all a lil bit later!!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Sunday, y'all!! As I was gathering up the Overnighter this morning, I noticed that Flashback on the live feeds still is wonky. I'll email CBS today and let them know. Just wanted to post this for anyone trying to use the flashback feature on the feeds.

Okay, so not a whole lot happened last night. Jozea is still slated to get booted on Thursday and has no idea. Frank told Paulie last night to start acting more nervous so that Jozea still feels safe this week. Speaking of Frank, he has to put up a replacement nom after Paul takes himself off the block since he won the Power of Veto this week. The renom will be Bridgette, and she said last night that she's fully expecting to go up.

At 11:45pm BBT, prankster James is at it again! He put whipped cream on Paul who was sleeping on the living room couch. 

Around 12:30am BBT, "Fatal Five" alliance (Da'vonne, Nicole, Michelle, Tiffany and Zakiyah) talked about how they don't trust Paulie or Bridgette, but that they should maybe go after getting Victor out next. Nicole mentions maybe Bronte should go next, though.

At 12:45am BBT, Tiffany leaves the Fatal Five meeting and the remaining 4 girls talked about Tiffany (just like her sister Vanessa) is emotional. Tiffany was crying over hearing that people are gunning for her. They decide to limit their information to Tiffany.

So that's about it! Jozea is still going home this week. Bridgette is expected to be the replacement nom at the Veto Ceremony (which will either be today or tomorrow...typically the veto ceremony is on Monday, but the 1st week of every BB season is always wonky.)

Today is Sunday Funday for me, where I take a break from watching the feeds and my two jobs..go outside, get some sun, sleep, etc. Tonight's BB18 episode will air at 8pm ET and we will get to see the Roadkill Comp that Frank won, then putting up Paul as the 3rd nom this week. Fun, fun!! :D

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Saturday Afternoon in the BB18 House

Good evening, BB addicts! Today has been pretty uneventful in the BB18 house. Just a quick recap: Nicole is HOH. Paulie (a pawn) is nominated with Jozea (the real target this week). Paul is currently the 3rd nom this week via Frank, since Frank won the "Roadkill Comp" and was able to secretly put up a 3rd nom this week. But as we know, Paul won the power of veto, so Frank will have to put up a replacement nom...which will be Bridgette, as it stands right now. Bridgette told Bronte today that she's scared to go up as the replacement nom, but Bronte told her to not worry since half the house wants Jozea out. And she's right.

All caught up? Okay, good! ;) Moving on...

Not much happened this afternoon. Jozea is pretty much dead in the water at this point, unless something really crazy happens between now & Thursday's live eviction show. The funny part is that he has no idea that he's going home. lol Yayyyy for a blindside eviction!! :D

Other than that, there wasn't a whole lot shakin' in the BB house today. Houseguests enjoyed the sun in the backyard, Da'vonne cooked everyone dinner, Tiffany talked to Paulie about being bisexual and how she's not really into the label of being bi..she's more into peoples energy (*love that!).

And now we're all caught up! :D Sorry this post a lil late, I forgot my laptop before I had to head down to Chicago earlier today. I'll be back in the morning with the Overnighter! Don't forget, tomorrow we have a new BB18 episode where we will get to see the Roadkill Comp that Frank won. w00t!!

See y'all tomorrow!!!

Sat: The Overnighter

The weekend is here yayy!! Happy Saturday, everybody!!...though it feels like a Sunday to me since the Veto Comp was yesterday. Ughh..I always hate "Hell Week" (the 1st week of every BB season)..their schedule is always off until the 1st live eviction.

Speaking of Veto Comp, Paul won Veto yesterday and will take himself off the block. Since Frank won the Roadkill Comp and was the one who nominated Paul, Frank will now have to decide on a replacement nom. As it stands right now, Bridgette will be the renom. Doesn't really matter though, as Jozea is the target this week and the HG's are itching to get him voted out. (He's a major tool. lol I'd want him out, too.)

The houseguests got booze last night! Well, a little bit anyway. So everyone decided to play Spin the Bottle.

There was lots of cheek kisses, Michelle kissed Victor's foot, Tiffany licked James' ear and Paulie licked Tiffany's ear.
Victor streaked through the house a little bit later on. A fun lil night for them.

Jozea tried to hold a 2am "house meeting" the other night, but ended up going to bed instead. So last night at 2:15am BBT, he finally held that meeting. Everyone except Tiffany (Vanessa's sister) was invited, according to Frank, but only Paul/Paulie showed up. Jozea just rambled on & on..he was buzzed from the HG's getting booze last night. Paulie's face was pretty much like this during the entire convo. lol
Jozea basically just wants a girl to go up as the replacement nom and then voted out, which would save them both (Jozea and Paulie).

Anyway, that's it for The Overnighter!! Jozea is basically dead man walking in the BB house and the HG's are thinking into next week already. Things are pretty calm so far, but that's always the 1st week of any BB season. I fully expect things to heat up come Thursday after the 1st live eviction and a new HOH is crowned.

Oh! Almost forgot...okay, so yesterday I mentioned that there's a new comp called "Roadkill", where Frank had won it and that's how he was able to (secretly) put up Paul as the 3rd nom this week. Well posted an article about it. Apparently, it's gonna be a weekly comp where the HG's compete in a 'changing clothes while trying to hold down 3 buttons at the same time VS a timer' type of comp in the backyard. Best time, wins.
 (sweet baby Jesus, Paulie's hot!)

If you'd like to read the article, just click here to go to to read it! I gotta head down to Chicago today, but I'll have my laptop with me to set up at the hotel once I get down there. Be back later with an afternoon report for y'all! :D

Psstt...if you're off today and wanna know what's going on inside the BB18 house for free, go grab your 1 Week Free Trial of the Live Feeds!! If you dig'em, then they're only $6 bucks/m after that. Super cheap!!

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